10 Creative Ways to Celebrate Earth Day with Kids - Toby Tiger

10 Creative Ways to Celebrate Earth Day with Kids

Earth Day is a special day to focus on environmental awareness and protection. It takes place on April 22nd every year, with Earth Week extending from April 14th-22nd. Celebrating Earth Day with kids is a great way to teach them the importance of caring for the planet. Here are 10 creative ways to celebrate Earth Day with kids that will help them learn about the environment and get involved in protecting it.


Fruit Flower Dress

1) Go for a nature walk

Taking your kids on a nature walk is one of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day. It will get you and your family outdoors and an excellent opportunity to teach your children about the environment and the importance of sustainability. So put on your most sustainable and eco-friendly kidswear, grab some snacks and explore the neighbourhood! Whether you're walking around a nearby park or going for a hike in the woods, make sure to look out for any colourful wildlife or interesting plants that you come across.
Remember to remind your kids to tread lightly while out and about; there could be little insects and creatures about to protect! From picking up any litter they see to being conscious of their carbon footprint, there are many ways to teach children about saving the planet. If you want to go the extra mile with your Earth Day celebration, you can shop for organic and planet-friendly items like cotton baby clothes or children's clothes.

2) Have a picnic

There's no better way to celebrate Earth Day with your kids than to picnic in the park. Eating outdoors is a great way to get the whole family together and appreciate the beauty of nature. When packing up for the picnic, use reusable utensils and organic cotton napkins to reduce environmental impact. You can also choose ethical food options that are sustainably grown or locally sourced to promote eco-friendly practices. Bring plenty of sunscreens, hats, and water bottles to keep everyone safe and hydrated!

3) Plant a tree

Planting a tree is one of the most effective ways to celebrate Earth Day and help the environment. Trees help reduce air pollution, provide habitats for wildlife, and prevent soil erosion.
Before heading out to your local nursery, decide what tree you want to plant. If you're going to help the bees, consider a flowering tree such as a cherry or apple tree. If you want to help with global warming, a shade tree like maple or oak is a great choice.
To make the activity more meaningful, involve your kids in planting. Ask them questions like "Why do you think it's important to plant trees?" and explain the benefits of trees to them. You can also get organic cotton T-shirts or bags with environmental messages so they can take pride in their accomplishment.
Once the tree is planted, water it regularly to continue growing. Planting a tree is a great way to get your kids involved in protecting the environment and teach them the importance of preserving our planet.


4) Make homemade bird feeders

Bird watching is a great way to bond with nature and your kids. Creating homemade bird feeders together makes them excited about learning more about birds in your area. In addition, making bird feeders is an easy and fun activity that will encourage more birds to visit your garden or yard.
You will need an empty plastic water bottle, organic cotton, scissors, a pencil, bird seed, and string to make the bird feeder. Start by cutting two small holes on the sides of the bottle using scissors. Make sure they're close to the bottom and not too close together. Next, thread a piece of organic cotton through each hole and tie the ends in knots. You can also use pipe cleaners if you don't have any cotton. Now, fill the bottle with birdseed, leaving room for the air at the top. Finally, tie the string around the top of the bottle so you can hang it up in a tree or from your porch.
Your homemade bird feeder is now ready for use! Hang it in an area where birds are likely to visit, and watch them come to enjoy the snacks you've prepared for them.

5) Collect litter in the neighbourhood

Organising a neighbourhood trash collection is easy to involve your kids on Earth Day. Whether it's picking up litter from a park, beach or sidewalk, getting outside and helping to clean up the environment is an excellent way for kids to give back.
Encourage your kids to wear gloves, bring some rubbish bags, and have fun as they help with this vital task. As you walk around, encourage your children to explain why keeping our environment clean and beautiful is essential. After collecting all the litter, have your kids sort the materials into recyclable and non-recyclable categories. Once the sorting is complete, take the non-recyclable items to the proper waste disposal facility.
It's a great way to teach your kids about environmental responsibility and caring for the planet.

6) Create recycled art

Creating recycled art with your kids is a great way to celebrate Earth Day and help reduce waste. First, get creative with your home materials, such as paper, cardboard, glass, fabric scraps, plastic, and even old organic cotton clothing! Then, repurpose these items into something new and unique. Next, have your kids create cards, paintings, sculptures, jewellery, and more. You can also use natural elements from your backyard, such as leaves, twigs, and rocks. Have fun developing ideas and exploring different ways to make art from recycled materials. And if you're feeling extra adventurous, take a trip to your local craft store for supplies like coloured paper, glue, buttons, and sequins. Your kids will love creating a one-of-a-kind artwork that celebrates Earth Day!

Daisy T-shirt

7) Make your own compost

Composting is a great way to help the environment and teach your kids about the importance of recycling. It's also a great way to reduce household waste and create nutrient-rich soil for gardening. Making your own compost is easy, fun, and rewarding!
Gather your kitchen scraps like vegetable peels, egg shells, and coffee grounds. Place these scraps in a bin or container and cover them with soil. Water the soil until it is moist but not saturated. Stir the mixture weekly and add more water as needed.
Next, add some dry materials like shredded newspaper, dry leaves, and sawdust to your compost bin. These materials will help to balance the moisture levels of your compost and aerate the mixture.
Finally, wait for the compost to break into dark, crumbly soil. This process can take anywhere from two weeks to two months, depending on the size of your compost bin and the amount of material inside.
When the compost is finished, you can use it as a natural fertilizer in your garden or lawn. Making your own compost is an excellent way to get your kids involved in Earth Day activities while teaching them about the benefits of recycling and sustainability.

8) Go solar power

Solar energy is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the planet. It's a fun, educational activity that can be done with kids of all ages. There are many ways to go solar with kids – from creating solar ovens and solar-powered toys to installing solar panels in the backyard.
To start, create a simple solar oven using an old cardboard box, aluminium foil, and plastic wrap. Show your kids how the sun's rays will heat up the inside of the box, creating an oven-like environment. This oven can cook marshmallows, popcorn, or other small snacks. Kids can also explore how different angles of the box affect the cooking time.
For older kids, consider installing solar panels in the backyard. This can be done as a family project, and it's an excellent way for kids to learn about alternative energy sources. You can even build your own solar-powered toys and gadgets from scratch. Check out online tutorials for DIY projects like solar-powered lamps, mini wind turbines, and robotic insects.
Going solar is a great way to teach kids about renewable energy and show them how they can make a difference for the planet. It's also an opportunity for them to see the direct effects of their efforts and have some fun along the way!

9) Educate yourself and others about climate change

Climate change is an important issue facing the planet, and our children are the ones who will be most affected. It's essential to start teaching them about climate change now. There are many ways to educate yourself and your children about climate change.
Start by reading books about climate change, such as National Geographic's Weather, Earth Science and Climate Change for Kids or Climate Change and You. Both books offer easy-to-understand explanations of the science behind climate change. Next, you can visit websites like NASA's Climate Kids or Climate Change Education to explore interactive activities and educational games.
You can also involve your kids in activities that teach them about climate change. For example, you could do a carbon footprint experiment to help them understand their impact on the environment and how they can reduce it. Or, start a recycling program at home or school. You could also set up a vegetable garden so your kids can learn about sustainable food production.
By educating yourself and your children about climate change, you'll not only help them become more aware of the issue, but you'll also be setting an excellent example for them to follow. In addition, the more we know about climate change, the better equipped we'll be to take action and protect our planet.

Frog T-shirt

10) Have fun!

Earth Day is all about celebrating the planet and having fun while doing it. Think of fun ways to celebrate the environment with your kids. For example, have a backyard scavenger hunt and look for rocks, leaves, feathers, and other nature-inspired items. Visit a nearby park or beach and make it a day of exploration. If you can access a lake, take a kayak or canoe and explore the water together. No matter what you do, have fun and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors!

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