Indulge in Fun with Spaghetti Ice Cream - Toby Tiger

Indulge in Fun with Spaghetti Ice Cream

A Perfect Activity for Rainy Afternoons with Your Kids!

Looking for a delightful way to spend a rainy afternoon with your little ones? Look no further! Dive into the world of culinary creativity with Toby Tiger’s exciting new pudding: Spaghetti Ice Cream. This fun and easy-to-make treat will not only tickle your taste buds but also spark joy in the hearts of your children. So, let’s get started on this culinary adventure!

Toby Tiger Spaghetti Ice Cream - Tools & ingredients


Recipe for Spaghetti Ice Cream:

Gather your tools:
- 1x Potato Masher
- 1x Cheese Grater

- Vanilla Ice Cream
- White Chocolate
- Raspberry Coulis
- Fresh Raspberries

1. Begin by scooping vanilla ice cream into the potato masher.


Toby Tiger Spaghetti Ice Cream - Making the spaghetti

2. Using the potato masher, push the ice cream through to create spaghetti-like strands. Watch as the creamy "spaghetti" emerges!


Toby Tiger Spaghetti Ice Cream - Adding the coulis sauce

3. Drizzle raspberry coulis mixed with fresh raspberries over the ice cream spaghetti.


Toby Tiger Spaghetti Ice Cream - adding the white chocolate "cheese"

4. Finish off your creation by grating white chocolate on top for a touch of sweetness and texture.

Toby Tiger Spaghetti Ice Cream - The finished product


5. Voila! Your spaghetti ice cream is ready to be devoured.


For a spooky twist perfect for Halloween, try using pink strawberry ice cream to create "ice cream worms"! These colorful and creepy treats will surely delight your little ghouls and goblins.

Share Your Creations:

We love seeing your culinary masterpieces! Share your spaghetti ice cream or ice cream worms creations with us by emailing your pictures to or tagging us on Instagram @welovetobytiger. We might feature your photos on our blog and social media platforms for others to enjoy!



Q: Can I use different flavours of ice cream for this recipe?
A: Absolutely! Experiment with various flavours like chocolate, strawberry, or mint to create unique and delicious combinations.

Q: Do I have to use a potato masher to make the ice cream spaghetti?
A: While a potato masher works well for this recipe, you can also use a spaghetti press or even a piping bag with a wide tip.

Q: Can I make the raspberry coulis from scratch?
A: Yes, you can make raspberry coulis by blending fresh raspberries with a bit of sugar and lemon juice, then straining the mixture to remove the seeds.

Q: How far in advance can I prepare the spaghetti ice cream?
A: It's best to assemble the spaghetti ice cream just before serving to prevent the ice cream from melting too quickly. However, you can prepare the components in advance and assemble them right before serving for convenience.

With Toby Tiger’s Spaghetti Ice Cream recipe, you're sure to turn a dreary  day into a delightful culinary adventure for the whole family. Enjoy the sweet moments and happy cooking!

Hope you enjoy,


Toby Tiger Team

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