Toby Tiger Roars into the Finals - Toby Tiger

Toby Tiger Roars into the Finals

Toby Tiger Roars into the Finals: Let's Crown Them Children's Clothing Brand of the Year!

Finalist - Little Trekkers Awards 2023

Hey Tiger Tribe!

We've got some roaringly exciting news to share—Toby Tiger has clawed its way into the finals of the Little Trekkers Awards 2023! 🐅🌟 We're thrilled to announce that we're in the running for the prestigious Children's Clothing Brand of the Year, and we need your help to bring home the gold (and maybe a few tiger stripes)!


What are the Little Trekkers Awards?

For those of you who haven't heard the jungle drums yet, the Little Trekkers Awards celebrate the best of the best in kids' outdoor gear and clothing. It's the ultimate stamp of approval from parents who value quality, comfort, and style for their little explorers. Toby Tiger has been nominated in the Children's Clothing Brand of the Year category, and we're ready to pounce on that trophy!

Toby Tiger Appliqiue T-shirts

Why Toby Tiger?

So, why should you cast your vote for Toby Tiger? Well, it's not just because our clothes are as soft as a tiger cub's fur and as vibrant as a tropical sunset (though that's a good start!). We take pride in creating clothing that not only looks wild and wonderful but is also made with the environment in mind. Our commitment to organic fabrics and sustainable practices ensures that your little ones can explore the world with a conscience as clear as a jungle stream.

How to Cast Your Vote: A Quick Safari Guide

Voting is as easy as spotting a tiger in short grass. Head over to the Little Trekkers Awards voting page and show Toby Tiger some love in the Children's Clothing Brand of the Year category. Don't be shy; let your voice roar like a mighty jungle cat!

GOTs certified organic cotton

Spread the Word: Share the Love!

Just like a tiger marking its territory, let's make sure everyone knows Toby Tiger is in the running! Share this exciting news on social media, in your parent groups, and with fellow jungle explorers. Tag us, use the hashtag #TobyTigerTakesTheTrophy, and let's turn this competition into a roaring celebration!

A Roar of Gratitude

To our Tiger Tribe, thank you for your continued support. Toby Tiger wouldn't be where it is today without our fantastic community of parents, caregivers, and little adventurers. Every purchase, every smile in our colourful clothes, and now every vote in the Little Trekkers Awards means the world to us.

Let's make 2023 the year of the tiger at the Little Trekkers Awards! Cast your vote, spread the word, and let's bring home that Children's Clothing Brand of the Year trophy together. Toby Tiger is ready to roar, and with your help, we'll make it a roar heard 'round the jungle! Voting closes 3rd November 2023

🐾 Vote for Toby Tiger: Little Trekkers Awards Voting Page

🐅👕🏆 Let's make Toby Tiger the Children's Clothing Brand of the Year! 🏆👕🐅

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